Sunday, February 28, 2010

When two people really love each other... or have a lot to drink...

Ok, so I have been prompted to start a blog by people who think I am funny. Clearly they know well that stroking my ego=productivity on my part. I guess I do have an awful lot to blog about these days...
John and I are pregnant! This experience is not like I thought it would be at all. When you dream of getting pregnant you imagine your sweet little baby bump, your wonderful husband dashing out in the middle of the night to get you ice cream and at the end of nine months holding your sweet little bundle of joy. I am not to the last one yet, but I am here to tell you MY first trimester has NOT been like this at all... Here's how mine is going-
1. Throw-up (my new frenemy) It makes you feel terrible and wonderful all at once. I throw up every morning. This started as a simple brushing your teeth makes you gag thing, and has now morphed into what looks like a scene from "Night of the Living Dead." On top of this, I am vocalist, so I am not a quiet puker. John says its like living with a cat who is trying to hack up a hairball 24 hours a day. :)

2. Exhaustion- I am dirt tired, and I mean, could fall asleep while I type this. I recently fell asleep in midsentence with John. We were in the living room and he (luckily) was able to pry the remote from my hands and go on with the evening. I then slept solidly for 3 hours and through the night as well. I hear this is good, because once the baby is here I know I won't get to sleep EVER AGAIN.

3. Self-pacing- Despite the throwing up, I think this is the one that is killing me the most. I have a really hard time making myself SLOW DOWN. My job requires me to work long hours and be alert all the time (I deal with teenagers!). Additionally, I am one of those "think I can do it bigger, better and funnier that you" kind of people. I don't like to show when I am struggling and I don't handle it well when I am. I have to remind myself that I am cooking a baby in here and I gotta be good to myself. I need to look on the bright side, I could really get away with a lot of pampering right now. Thank you John for all of it. :)

Don't get me wrong...all of this is worth it. And I truly mean ALL. We recently had some craziness and had to spend the day in the ER (everything is fine, so put down the phone!). The doc ordered an ultrasound and we got to see the baby in all his/her glory. I mean, head, body, tiny hands and feet, and he/she was jumping around and having a grand old time. It made my heart melt.

Plus, I am assured by my sisters and girlfriends that have kids that the 2nd trimester is MUCH better. All I am gonna say is you better not be lying or I might go preggers postal on ya. :)

Stay tuned for more Sikon baby details. I will work to be less bitchy in the others, but there are no guarantees!